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Welcome to the New Jersey District
of the
 Amateur Athletic Union

aau shield.tif

West New York, Hudson County (taken before 9/11)

Sandy Hook, Monmouth County

Sunrise in Long Branch, Monmouth County

Youth Hockey

Fill in: New Jersey for State and
District Championship for Event. 


Sign into your roster using last yrs ID and password. 
If that doesn't work then hit forgot password.

History  of the New Jersey District
The AAU was founded in 1888 to establish standards and uniformity in amateur sports.
New Jersey District was created by the AAU’s governing Board in 1930,
by changing the territory of the Metropolitan Association.

During its early years, the AAU served as a leader in international sport representing the the International Sports Federations. The AAU worked closely with the Olympic movement to prepare
athletes for the Olympic games.  

After the Amateur Sports Act of 1978, the AAU has focused its efforts into
providing sports programs for all participants of all ages beginning at
the grass roots level.  
The philosophy of "Sports for All, Forever," is shared by over 670,000 participants
and over 100,000 volunteers.
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